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Adam and Eve started love;
Romeo and Juliet introduced it;
Devdas and Paro suffered due to it;
Laila and Majnu died for it;
So my dear friend, please beware of it as February 14 is very near.
Happy Valentine's day 2015 !

I wish you were my Valentine
Though I may not be yours,
And I may, in my ignorance,
Be speaking to closed doors.
I have no inkling of your heart,
No hint what you might say;
But when I think of you the sun
Will just not go away.

Valentine's day is only a few days away.
So remember, it's not too late to break up and save money.
Maybe you catch a bigger fish on this day.
Happy Valentine's day!

Every Boy's wish:
I'm not a Prince but my life-partner should be a Princess.
True Lover's wish:
My life-partner may not be a Princess but I promise I'll treat her like a Princess!
Happy Valentine's day 2015!

**( ' : ' )**
Here is a lovely, cute teddy bear 4 U!
Just 2say

2 b loved is da bst,
2 fall in love is a curse.
2 b alone is unbearable,
2 fnd ur true love is a dream,
2 b aprt frm ur love is painful,
2 lose da 1 u love is death.

Do u know what r the meanings of VALENTINE Ans: You r

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