mmuta is a lgbo language word mean education. our website is providing free and paid quiz test and other test preparation material of all subjects in all streams. we are offering free accuses of all courses during this trial period of some courses are self enrolled and others are not. you can enroll all courses by a coupon code. access all courses are very simple process.
1)First create a new mmuta account and verify your account from your registered email account. by click on given link.
2)Login your mmuta account OR (if you have any facebook,google plus or Linkedin account then direct login with you facebook or any other account email and password.
go to your dashboard and see there is no any enroll course. Now go to the categories and click on courses and click enroll me button immediately that course will start and appear in your dashboard 3)if you have mmuta coupon then direct type or write the coupon code in coupon block and submit.
now go to dashboard and wait for 1 or 2 minute and refresh your page all courses will enroll and appear on your dashboard.
now go to your courses and enjoy all test quiz for your exam preparation.
mmuta is designed for teachers,students and parents. if any teacher want to submit his/her courses on then He/She can request for special teacher account mmuta team will guide how to manage a teacher account.

1)First create a new mmuta account and verify your account from your registered email account. by click on given link.
2)Login your mmuta account OR (if you have any facebook,google plus or Linkedin account then direct login with you facebook or any other account email and password.
go to your dashboard and see there is no any enroll course. Now go to the categories and click on courses and click enroll me button immediately that course will start and appear in your dashboard 3)if you have mmuta coupon then direct type or write the coupon code in coupon block and submit.
now go to dashboard and wait for 1 or 2 minute and refresh your page all courses will enroll and appear on your dashboard.
now go to your courses and enjoy all test quiz for your exam preparation.
mmuta is designed for teachers,students and parents. if any teacher want to submit his/her courses on then He/She can request for special teacher account mmuta team will guide how to manage a teacher account.