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butt acne

How To Treat Butt Acne (buttock zits naturally)

You can get acne pretty much anywhere on your skin, including your buttocks. Butt acne can be very painful, especially when you’re sitting. Butt acne is unlike typical acne that involves skin pores. It’s actually a form of folliculitis, an inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, but it’s commonly referred to as acne because it looks so much like it.
This problem occurs when dead skin, excess oil, other impurities or excessive friction irritate or inflame the hair follicles on the buttocks. Bacteria, yeast or fungi may also cause the follicles to become infected.

Sometimes, the buttocks are particularly prone to have very painful zits.Although it is a hush thing, yet if ever there is a survey, it must have revealed how common this is. Now, where there is a problem, there must be a solution! You have already read about the conventional treatments on diet, hygiene, and special ointments. However, besides those, there are a several other top home remedies to treat butt pimples.

People who are prone with pimples on their face may also tend to develop pimple on their butt. Though it is not a topic discussed by most of the people inspite of being with it, the process of curing is required enough to make them off.

Do you know the fact, butt is the third hottest part of our body! and due to which there are prominent chances for their development due to various causes. Also, butt is an area for the growth of germs and bacteria.So,while taking the precautions and treatments one must have to be careful. Your treatment must in such a way that it would not prompt for other problems.

To solve the problem, there is no need to see a doctor every time. Many simple home remedies can help a lot in dealing with this embarrassing problem.


Acne on your buttocks are of two major types

Folliculitis: The bumpy acne on the buttocks is caused by the inflammation of hair follicles and this leads to folliculitis. It can further enlarge due to the infection caused by bacteria, yeast, fungus or blockage of hair follicles. These little bumps are way too itchy and result in irritation.

Carbuncles: These hard boils that are formed as a pus under the surface of the skin are similar to acne cysts and resemble painful knots. They are a result of serious folliculitis when it becomes way too hard to handle. You must visit dermatologist to get rid of this chronic skin allergy.

Here are the ways to get rid of butt acne.

      1. Mix 1 teaspoon of table salt in 2 cups of warm water.

      2. Soak a washcloth in this solution and wring out the excess liquid.

      3. Place the compress on the affected area for 15 minutes. When it starts cooling down, apply a fresh compress.

      4. Do this a few times a day.

1. Put a few ice cubes on a towel and bundle it up.

2. Press it on the butt acne for 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Repeat a few times a day.

You can also use cold water to wash the affected area, a few times a day. Never use ice directly on the skin, as it can lead to frostbite.

Those who have sensitive skin must dilute the oil with an equal amount of water or olive oil before using it on the skin.


Sun treatment
Pimples show up in soft regions of the body like the cheeks; like in all the four cheeks! The morale of this understanding (the mystery of cheeks) is in making the point that soft, fatty regions, must not suffer from the maladies of excess oil. If it does, the sufferance shows up as nasty butt acne, making it difficult to sit. It is horrible! Did you try the sun treatment? Once in a while, moon it to the sun.
You should head on to the nude beach if you live anywhere nearby. Otherwise, your courtyard or sunlit verandah should do just fine. Enjoy the warmth drying the excess oil but avoid excess exposure as it can cause sunburns. Use a sun protection cream always. You know the norms!

Detoxify your body. This will always keep buttock zits naturally away. Apart from healthy greens, have a glass of fruit juice occasionally. Drink a lot of water. Plain water works like miracles in keeping the body clean from the inside. Try mixing a tablespoon of cream of tartar to a glass of water. Include good hydration in your diet all the time, especially if your skin is oily.


Lemon juice for butt pimples and acne
Topical application of acidic lemon juice (citric acid) kills the bacterial infestation in your butt acne. Have you ever heard of the principles of osmosis? It says dissolved particles flows from higher concentration to lower concentration spontaneously through a semi-permeable membrane. You must be wondering how this scientific principle is applicable as a remedy for butt zit treatment! Well, you have to understand the science of the situation.

The oil deposit in your acne is thick in concentration. Skin is a semi permeable membrane at the microscopic level. So, if you can apply a non-toxic solution of lemon juice on the affected region with a cotton ball, it acts as a lower concentration solvent film microscopically. Are you getting it? Once you apply the lemon juice, the thick oil from your acne spontaneously discharges as pus and blood. Unclogging the pore can be painful, but it is a good treatment. Apple cider vinegar also works. Lay on your front for about twenty minutes after applying these solutions. Wash it later.

Light exfoliation for butt acne
Light exfoliation helps to unclog the pore. You can use exfoliating remedies like dried orange peels, or finely ground sugar. Use a loofah and a non-comedogenic lotion when you bathe. Such lotions do not clog your skin pores. Avoid using soap when you have butt acne. The chemical components of soap may react in an allergic manner, causing further distress. Stick to home remedies as they are safe.

Garlic for buttock acne
If you are worried about acne on your buttock then garlic is the solution you should look for. It is the best natural remedy for treating acne as it works as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. You need to take a clove of garlic, peel off the outer skin, paste it properly and apply it on the affected area of your buttock. Rinse it off with water after 30 to 35 minutes. Repeat this procedure two times a day for few days to get rid of the acne.

Neem oil
Neem is considered as an ancient remedy for all kinds of skin infection. The antifungal and antiseptic properties present in neem oil helps in curing butt acne. Apply it on the acne affected area 5 to 6 times a day for effective results and faster healing.

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