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Twitter-Twitter History and Interesting Facts About Twitter 

Life's short. And that's why we should have multiple social networking accounts. Because hey, 'they're free and always will be', right? Take Twitter for example. This microblogging website has been enchanting people the world over ever since it was founded in the year 2006. So much so, that your favourite celebrity now seems a breath away.



Twitter is the brainchild of a programmers who worked at the podcasting company Odeo Inc. in San Francisco.

The founders are Jack Dorsey (@Jack), Evan Williams (@Ev) and Biz Stone (@Biz).

They were looking for a way to send text on their cellphones and a way to reinvent a dying company.

On March 21, 2006, @Jack sent the first tweet: "just setting up my twttr."

And thus a communications revolution was born, one renown for brevity and bad spelling.

Dom Sagolla (@Dom), in tweet 38, typed these prescient words: "Oh, this is going to be addictive."


The name Twitter was inspired by Flickr, a photo-sharing service. Other names considered: FriendStalker and Dodgeball.

The dictionary definition of twitter is "a short burst of inconsequential information."
A perfect name, said @Jack because "that's exactly what the product was."


Almost 241 million users worldwide. About 460,000 new Twitter accounts are opened daily.

More than 140 million tweets are sent daily. That's one billion weekly.

In 2008, Twitter had eight employees; today it has more than 400. And they're hiring (


At the heart of Twitter are small bursts of information called tweets. Each tweet is 140 characters in length, maximum.

Initially, there was no limit to message length. When it went public, the 140 character limit was adopted.

Why? Because 160 characters was the SMS carrier limit and the founders wanted to leave room for a username.

Struggling with brevity? You can purchase 140 Characters: A Style Guide for the Short Form by @Dom.


Twitter lists its revenues at a modest $150-million annually. It is a private company so the sources of revenue are unclear.

Twitter also licenses its stream of tweets to Microsoft, Google and Yahoo.

There are constant rumours that Twitter will be purchases by Facebook or Google. It could also go public like LinkedIn.

Twitter is said to be worth more than $4.5-billion. The value comes from its potential to exploit its base of hundreds of millions of users.

Twitter could sell traditional ads (not likely) and to start charging for premium accounts that push business to their sites (very likely).


Amazing and Interesting facts about Twitter

  • There are 241 million monthly active users for Twitter.
  • Most of the active users for Twitter are from mobile, which is 76%.
  • 36 million is the number of unique visitors to Twitter.
  • 72% of  Twitter followers of a brand that are likely to purchase the product from that brand.
  • 12 is the average number of tweets posted by the top 100 global brands.
  • 75% of recruiters have 100 Twitter followers or lesser.
  • The time that took to get the billionth tweet is 3 years, 2 months and 1 day.
  • Per day 500 million Tweets are sent per day.
  • 54% of top 100 global brands send less than one reply per day
  • 1 in 13 Tweets contains a Curse word.
  • 23% of accounts are from U.S.  Rest 77% are from rest of the world.
  • 9% is the share of overall selfies that are shared on social media.
  • 307 is the number, that the average user Tweets.
  • 184 million are the mobile monthly active users.
  • More than 35 languages are supported by Twitter.
  • 1440 hard boiled eggs are consumed at Twitter HQ weekly.
  • They are more than 2700 employees all around the world.
  • 585 gallons of coffee per week are consumed at Twitter HQ.
  • Most of the employees are engineers, which is 50%.
  • Twitter was incorporated on April 19, 2007.

Amazing facts about Twitter

  • Katy perry(@katyperry) was the most followed person on Twitter.  she was followed by Justin Bieber, Barack Obama, Lady Gaga, YouTube, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Instagram, and Justin Timberlake.
  • (#) The hashtag feature was proposed by a user.  It appeared on August 2007 for the first time.
  • 80% of world leaders use Twitter.
  • The most retweeted Tweet was Ellen’s Oscars selfie.
  • Twitter was originally named as “Twttr”.  Later it was changed.
  • 90% of  top 50 US law firms have a Twitter profile.
  • At present the time taken to send a billion Tweets is only 48 hrs.
  • Twitter can handle 1.6 billion search queries per day.
  • Twitter is used by 32% of all internet users.
  • On January 22, 2010, the first unassisted off-Earth Twitter message was posted by NASA astronaut T.J.Creamer from International Space Station
  • Barack Obama is the Top world leader on Twitter.
  • 10 people are employed by McDonalds to run their Twitter account.
  • Twitter is ranked as 11th by Alexa.
  • 40% of  Twitter users don’t tweet. They read news, click links and follow accounts.
  • Most of traffic comes from third-party applications.
  • When Michael Jackson died, 456 tweets per second(TPS) are sent, a record at that time.  On June 25, 2009.
  • When you Tweet with a image, the increase in engagement will be 5 times, when compared to text.
  • 100,000+ Twitter applications are present.
  • The first Tweet was sent by Jack Dorsey in San Francisco.Twitter prototype was first used as an internal service for Odeo employees.
  • Twitter was founded on March 21, 2006.

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