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Health Benefits of Water Aerobics

In This Article
Health Benefits Of Water Exercise
Pointers for Vertical Water Workouts
Water Aerobics Is Good For Injury Rehabilitation
Water Exercises Are Perfect For Seniors

Water offers a resistance and buoyancy that cannot be experienced when doing regular ground-based exercises. The benefits of water aerobics include lower blood pressure, increased bone density, stronger muscles, corrected body posture, pain relief, and weight loss. The calming effect of water on our bodies extends to our minds as well. Injured, obese, and elderly individuals can benefit the most from it.

Does your workout routine have you drowning in boredom? If you need a change of pace, moving your workout to the water may rekindle your enthusiasm, while at the same time providing some unique health benefits.

You might think you could not possibly get as intense of a workout in water, but research suggests otherwise. Due to the resistance of the water, it just seems like you can't work as hard, but in reality you are.

The water acts as a form of built-in resistance, as if you've surrounded your body with weights, making it simple to increase the intensity of your workout and challenge muscles that are harder to engage on land.

If you're overweight or obese, elderly, have arthritis, joint pain, osteoporosis, or an injury that makes weight-bearing exercise difficult or painful, water may be an excellent choice. Swimming or walking in water reduces the pressure on your back and knees.1 According to Kathy Stevens of WebMD

"To appreciate why water training works so well, you need to understand water's unique properties. In water, you have almost no gravity. You're relieved of 90 percent of your body weight, so you become buoyant. This frees you to move in new ways.

You can float, bob and relax without feeling like you're putting out an effort. Yet water provides 12 to 14 percent more resistance than air, so moving through it is like having weights all around your body."

There are many benefits of working out in swimming pools. Not only is it easier to stay cooler in a pool, but the workout itself has massive perks. Here are some additional benefits:


Health Benefits Of Water Exercise Or Water Aerobics


Pointers for Vertical Water Workouts

Keep the following information in mind, as the dynamics are a little different than when you're exercising on land.​


Water Aerobics Is Good For Injury Rehabilitation

Fitness enthusiasts and marathon runners often pull muscles or have to endure painful discomfort due to long-term training. They can continue to maintain their form and fitness levels in water – but without any pressure on their injured joints or muscles. Because water is easy on the joints, relieves pain, and offers visibly therapeutic effects, we advise you to try aquatic aerobics and accelerate your recovery.

For those whose walking ability is compromised, aqua walking may help. Loss of balance, painful joints and muscles, and asymmetrically injured structures typically linked with a walking disability can be supported by water walking to a great extent.


Water Exercises Are Perfect For Seniors

It requires a conscious effort to remain fit as you age – something we all want but struggle to do. Water workouts can step in and save the day. Here’s how.

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