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Brazil Nuts - Benefits and use Of Brazil Nuts

In this Article
What are Brazil nuts?
Nutrition Facts
Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts
Skin Care
Brazil Nuts Benefits for Hair
Brazil Nuts History & Interesting Facts
How to select and store Brazil Nuts?
How to Use Brazil Nuts
Side Effects of Brazil Nuts
Brazil Nut Recipes

Brazil nut is an extremely delicious nut. Loaded with several benefits for the skin, hair and health, these nuts provide high amounts of beneficial nutrients that are required by the body to function properly.
We know selenium benefits are enormous, but it’s often hard to get selenium in your everyday diet. So if you’re struggling to get this healthy compound, I’ve got the food just for you: Brazil nuts.

selenium-rich Brazil nuts include their ability to reduce inflammation, improve heart health, aid in skin care, boost weight loss, reduce the signs of aging, regulate thyroid function, and fight anxiety. 


What are Brazil nuts?

Brazil nuts are actually edible seeds from the Brazil nut tree, and they can be eaten raw or blanched. The nuts grow inside a round, coconut-like shell, in orange-like segments which, when split open, reveals around 12-20 Brazil nuts.

The tree is native to South American countries, including Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and Brazil, and can often be found along the banks of major rivers. It’s quite a large tree, so the harvest of Brazil nuts is huge. These nuts are majorly exported from the South American continent and can now be found throughout the world. The Brazilian nut is one of the most important non-timber products from the Amazon and amounts to a worldwide $50 million industry. These nuts are heavily protected and cherished for their delicious flavor and high nutritional content, as well as the oil extracted from them for beauty products and more.

Nutrition Facts

Brazil nuts are one of the healthiest nuts available, particularly due to their unusually high selenium content. [3] The nuts have an impressive mineral and vitamin profile as they contain thiamin, vitamins E and C, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. They score high among nuts as a high-protein (14%), low carbohydrate (12%) choice. 85% of their calories come from fats, primarily from omega 6-fatty acids. The gluten-free nuts are an excellent source of dietary fiber too.

Brazil nuts nutrition is quite impressive. A one-ounce (six kernels) serving of dried, unblanched brazil nuts contains about:

Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts

Like other nuts, Brazil nuts are known for their amazing taste and a plethora of health benefits. Some of the brazil nuts health benefits include:

Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts:


Skin Care
The comprehensive profile of vitamins and nutrients in Brazil nuts makes it particularly good for improving skin health. The selenium, omega 3-fatty acids, and vitamins C and E in Brazil nuts give the skin a healthy glow and improve the elasticity of the skin, thereby preventing premature aging. Selenium stimulates the activity of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant compound that can remove free radicals from the skin cells that cause wrinkles and even skin cancer. [11] Also, Brazil nut oil is an excellent emollient which helps prevent skin dryness, eczema, and psoriasis. Additionally, grinding a handful of nuts and mixing it with an egg makes for a deeply nourishing skin exfoliator.


Brazil Nuts Benefits for Hair:

L-arginine, an amino acid in the nuts, is mainly used to treat alopecia or male baldness as it encourages the growth of lustrous, thick hair. Brazil nuts are also rich in omega 3s, vitamin E, and selenium, which help to make the hair shiny, healthy and less prone to breakage.


Brazil Nuts History & Interesting Facts

Brazil nuts are truly a wonderful superfood. They’re harvested in the wild and exclusively in the wet season of the rain forest. Some areas in Brazil, however, due to high demand, have started to build Brazil nut plantations. It’s actually illegal in Brazil to cut down a Brazil nut tree so you can even find them along roads and in backyards across South America growing wild. These massive trees tower in your backyard for a while too — they can live between 500 to 800 years!

The oil of the nut is also a popular product for many people. Brazil nut oil is an excellent natural skin moisturizer for your whole body, making it a perfect natural skin care ingredient. It contains many of the powerful mineral and vitamin components as the seed itself and is great at healing dry or damaged skin. Brazil nut oil is used traditionally in dressings for salads and marinades in South America as well.


How to select and store Brazil Nuts?

Brazil nuts are available all year round in raw, roasted and salted forms. Purchase unshelled Brazil nuts to protect them from deterioration. Avoid purchasing discolored or shriveled nuts and those that have a musty odor. The odor indicates that the nuts might be affected by fungal mold.

The shelf life of the nuts depends entirely on how you store them. They last for 4 to 6 weeks if stored in a cool and dry place. Refrigerate the nuts to prolong their shelf life. Refrigerated Brazil nuts last for almost 9 months. Brazil nuts are high in polyunsaturated fats that might turn rancid if exposed to air, humidity and sunlight. Store the jar away from moisture and direct sunlight.


How to Use Brazil Nuts

It’s best to eat Brazil nuts raw or blanched, although they can be roasted and salted like most nuts. Brazil nuts can also be sweetened and crushed for dessert toppings or even made into puddings, dips and cheeses.

Brazil nut milk is a highly nutritious and tasty alternative to almond, soy or regular dairy milk. However, it should only be used in small amounts or on occasion so you don’t overdo it in the selenium department.

You can buy Brazil nuts in the shell or without. Look for Brazil nuts that are stored in airtight containers, whole and brown and heavy in the hand. Don’t pick any that are shriveled or in pieces, as they could be already spoiled or contaminated with mold. 

Brazil nuts have a propensity to spoil quickly so buy them in reasonable amounts. It’s best to store Brazil nuts airtight in a cool, dark, dry place without exposure to humidity or sunlight.  If you purchase the nut in a shell, it’s best to de-shell them and store them so they don’t rot inside the shell. You can also store whole Brazil nuts in an airtight bag in the refrigerator, where they can last for a few months.


Side Effects of Brazil Nuts

There are a few side effects if these nuts are consumed in excess. They are as follows:


Brazil Nut Recipes

Brazil nuts are delicious on their own, but they can also be used in all kinds of recipes. You can also usethem to make a homemade dairy-free milk. Brazil nut milk is actually fairly easy to make and is very creamy and nutritious.

Easy Brazil Nut Milk Recipe



  1. Soak the Brazil nuts along with the vanilla bean in water for 8 hours or overnight.
  2. Discard the soaking water and rinse off the Brazil nuts and vanilla bean.
  3. Place Brazil nuts and vanilla bean in blender with 4 cups of fresh, filtered water and blend until smooth. If you opt for sweetener and/or flavoring, place those ingredients in along with nuts as well.
  4. Place the blended mixture in a nut milk bag and strain into a glass jar.
  5. Keep stored in an airtight jar in refrigerator.

You can save the nut pulp for another use like making cookies, crackers or even hummus. The name doesn’t sound that appetizing, but this recipe is sure to be tasty and loaded with nutrients as well.

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