Kissing U baby is my dream.
I am strawberry & U R D cream.
Handle me gently keep me real keen.
U & i together babes is passion so extreme!

I have two eyes, To see you.
I have two lips, To kiss you.
I have two hands, To hug you.
I have one heart, To love you.

Center of the “SKY”,
“Y” change into “I”,
Double of the First,
Give me just!
Answer: KISS

Chemistry Teacher:- What hapens when potasium iodide reacts vd di-sulfer in presence of moonlight?
Student:- KISS
Teacher:- How?

People say
A blessed KISS is on HEAD

A sweet KISS is on CHEEKS

A passionate KISS is on LIPS

A romantic KISS is on NECK

But seriously



There are Tulips in my garden,
there are Tulips in the park,
but nothing is more be beautiful
than our two lips meeting in the dark!

A Kiss is a :
Noun: It is common & proper.
Pronoun: ?She ? stands for it.
Verb: It is active & passive:
Adverb: Makes an explanation.
Conjunction: It brings together & connects.
Interjetion: It shows a sudden strong feeling.
Preposition: It has an object.

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